
Advancing the next era of Psoriasis research

Psoriasis is more than just a skin condition – it’s a chronic, systemic disease that affects over 8 million people in the United States, profoundly impacting their quality of life. Despite advances in targeted therapies and systemic treatments, there remains much to learn about psoriasis’ underlying mechanisms, comorbidities, and best approaches to treatment. 

With Truveta’s complete, timely, and clean EHR data from more than 120 million patients across a growing collective of US health systems, researchers can access critical information to advance therapy development and care quality improvements.

Download the briefing for insight into:

  • Types of data psoriasis researchers can use like efficacy, safety, disease progression, outcomes, and more
  • How clinical notes allow for analyzation of complex concepts
  • Studying psoriasis in mother-child

Read the briefing now